The 02683V offers exceptional directional radio link coverage. It offers a stable radiation pattern across the whole band. All elements are welded for robust construction and minimum inter-modulation. All electrical connections are expertly soldered directly to the elements to further eliminate potential noise. The antenna is Electropolished to maximise corrosion resistance and withstand extreme weather conditions extending longevity without deterioration in performance.
Link Coverage for the UHF Commercial Radio Band.
Factory Tuned, no further tuning required.
- UHF 450 – 470 MHz Band
- 11 dBd Gain
- Durable robust construction
- Intermodulation low noise construction
- Electropolishes welded stainless steel construction
- Extreme weather resistance
- Adjustable mount ±20° to the horizontal
02809 Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Tilted Angled Mounting Bracket (included)
Data Sheet