GDT lightning protector up to 2.5 GHz. SEMPER. N-Female.
HUBER+SUHNER gas discharge tube protectors make the best of the traditional spark gap protection principle for general applications in electronics and adapt it perfectly to RF coaxial line applications.At their heart are specially designed gas discharge
tubes. The available product range of GDT’s enables a selection according to the RF transmission power with an optimum protection performance. A very important feature of the GDT protectors is the possibility to DC/AC power outdoor equipment via coaxial cable.
Series 3402 products can be used broadband from DC to 2 GHz or even higher. They are generally designed as coaxial feed-throughs which allow the customer to build up a protected area according to the recommended and well-proven protection zone principle of IEC 62305. HUBER+SUHNER GDT protectors are designed such that the gas discharge tubes can be easily exchanged for new operation conditions or replaced in the case of a necessary service.
- Self-extinguishing SEMPER™ functionality
- Broad-band design
- DC continuity for remote powering
- The protector can also be installed reversely
- Replaceable GDT unit 9071.99.0647, (230 V) included
- Compliant to IEC 61643-21