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480-520MHz Stainless Steel Yagi – 9 Element

480-520MHz Stainless Steel Yagi – 9 Element

Part # Y49S-D. Categories: , , . Tags: , , , , , .


The Y49S-D (Stainless Steel) is a 12dBd gain, 9 element UHF yagi antenna. It covers the entire range from 480 MHz to 520 MHz. It is supplied with a standard boom length and is DC grounded and fully welded for lightning protection and noise reduction.

Whilst the installation of our UHF yagi is normally a straight forward exercise, the following guide lines are to ensure that the maximum reliable service life is obtained whether aligned for Horizontal or Vertical polarization.

  1. The yagi cable tail is a critical length and should never be changed. If the cable or connector sustain any damage we recommend that the yagi be returned to JBA Antennas for repair.
  2. After connection of the feedline to yagi we recommend using self-vulcanizing tape to seal the coaxial connectors against the ingress of moisture.
  3. When mounting the yagi for Vertical Polarization it is important to ensure the condensation drain hole in one end of the yagi dipole element is facing down.
  4. When mounting a yagi for Horizontal Polarization the dipole mounting block should face down as condensation drainage is via the coaxial cable entry hole.




Frequency 480 – 520 MHz (entire range)
VSWR over operating range Less than 1.5:1
Nominal Impedance 50 Ohm
Termination Cable tail to N type female
Power Rating 200 Watts
Forward Gain 12dBd
Approx. Weight 2.1 Kg Stainless Steel
Approx. Length 1450mm
Mounting 25 Ø Boom diameter
Construction Marine Grade Stainless Steel
Wind Loading at 160Kph 10.2 Kg
Protection DC grounding
Phasing Harness Availability 2 way, 3 way & 4 way
Front to Back ratio 20db
-3dBd Beam-width H Plane 44°
-3dBd Beam-width E Plane 36°
Suggested Mounting Clamp BR-RAB-S